Monday, February 11, 2008

Rehab...the greatest thing since sliced bread

What's up with the latest popular trend among the rich and the famous: rehab?

While many celebrities reject the term "rehabilitation" and prefer the more flattering term "relaxation," the bottom line is that a large number of well-known names are filing exhaustion as a reason for a random check-in. Alcoholism, drug abuse, and anxiety are among other reason for celebrities' visits to centers such as Promises Treatment Center and Passages. So who can be held responsible for this surge of celebrity visits?

Well, we could say that Britney Spears is the initiator of the raging trend. The young pop star has pretty much started a tab of rehabilitation center stay receipts in the United States, with stays ranging from a matter of hours to almost a week. The question is whether these centers are doing anything for the 26-year-old.

Does she keep leaving and checking back in because they can't help her or is it because she really thinks that there isn't anything wrong with her? Isn't it part of the centers' job to determine when a patient is healthy enough to leave the care they applied into? Spears has generated enormous amounts of publicity with her constant ins and outs, but at least she has her very public custody battle to draw attention away. I can't really say that much for Lindsay Lohan.

It's been a downward spiral for the actress, like many others, with her life of endless drinking, smoking, partying and drugs. It wasn't until recently, however, that Lohan came out to say that rehab has actually helped her out a lot. In fact, her testimony is one of the only positive personal testimonies of a recovering celebrity that I have seen. Call me crazy, though, I think this whole "I was so stupid" scene is simply a way for her to get some of her fans back, especially after being arrested more than twice and having her latest two flicks flop. Whether or not it will work will depend on the next few months, but I don't think anybody has really lost interest in her anyway, at least not as a celebrity, but maybe as an actress and fortunately as a singer.

Amy Winehouse may deserve the best recognition for the rehab trend, now that I think about it. I mean, when it comes to rehab, she wrote the song:

The irony lies in the song itself, considering she was recently placed into rehab after her boyfriend was arrested for domestic violence, among other charges. It doesn't end with just her, though, Grey's Anatomy star Justin Chambers, and film stars Eva Mendes and Kirsten Dunst have all recently checked into rehab for "exhaustion" and other reasons. I think it's kind of crazy that they need to go to a rehab center to relax, while the rest of us make plans to take what we call a "vacation." But, I suppose when you have enough money to pay people to relax you for yourself, then you can go and do whatever you want. The least they could do is call it what it is, though, I mean, they can't all have drug problems...can they?

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Richard Gere and I

Richard Gere and I