Friday, April 11, 2008

Simpson Family Getting Bigger

What's up with Ashlee Simpson getting engaged to boyfriend Pete Wentz? Well, the younger sister of reality reject Jessica Simpson, has publicly announced her engagement to the Fall Out Boy bassist and boyfriend of almost 3 years.

After months of dodging speculations of a pregnancy and an engagement, the little Simpson has only admitted to the latter. Many tabloids, however, are pushing the pregnancy rumor, insisting that it is the true reason for the engagement.

The rumors have circulated for months, though, so if she were truly pregnant than I feel like she would be showing by now. Additionally, it has been said that Wentz asked Joe Simpson, the famed father and manager for Jessica, for Ashlee's hand in marriage. Father Simpson has been quoted to say,

"Pete did ask. I told him that I would be honored to have him as part of my family."

I think it is wonderful that Ashlee is settling down, although I fear for her and her hubby's future considering the media is probably responsible for the demise of Jessica and ex-husband Nick Lachey.

Let's just hope Ashlee and Pete don't take the same route as Jess and Nick and start their own reality series. As tempting as it will be, as it always is for celebrity couples who believe everyone wants to know everything about their lives, which is probably true, I hope, for their sake, they say "no" to reality and yes to a future. Congrats!

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