Friday, March 7, 2008

Downey and Stiller...a blackened face

What's up with Robert Downey Jr. parading around with a face about 100 times darker than usual?And no we are not talking "fake" tan, unless of course he set the timer to burnt toast. Well, Ben Stiller wrote a movie; his first in seven years, that is, and comedic parody, it would seem, is the focal point. The movie is entitled "Tropic Thunder" and Downey will be playing the part of Kirk Lazarus, a snooty, and rather dense, Academy Award winner who receives the role of a lifetime. Unfortunately, at first, it is discovered that the part was written for an black actor. Instead of turning down the role, because let's face it: it wouldn't be the humor we are used to from Stiller's comedic mind if it didn't go in this direction, Lazarus (have you caught onto the irony in the name?) decides to play "God" and dye his skin for the role. Given the sensitivity of this subject, and the fact that this taboo topic has been tackled before, and for the most part, mutilated in the process, it is hard to decide whether or not Stiller is striking gold, or just striking out. On the one hand, Downey has the huge role of "Ironman" coming out soon, and I mean huge considering that Downey hasn't had a decent movie role in years, at least not since back when he was on drugs and nobody, well okay everybody, knew. Not to say that I'm not used to stellar stuff from Stiller (forgive me for the alliteration, I had too). In fact, I love Stiller movies, not counting the recent one that just had me shaking my head in confusion. (Let's just say the title wasn't the only heartbreak). It just makes me wonder if these comedic heroes of our time, i.e Stiller, Ferrell, Wilson, and others, are running out of their mojo. Case and point Will Ferrell's recent atom bomb "Semi-Pro." I mean, this one's preview couldn't get me excited. No, I didn't see the movie, but did I really need to? I still have hope that these faves of mine who have kept me laughing can continue, but they'll need to hang up the gloves someday right?

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Richard Gere and I

Richard Gere and I